An extraordinary Appeal to Earthlings

Intelligent humanity!


What is cosmic infinity?

This means that the cosmos has no limits and there is no beginning and no ending. We, earthlings, cannot even imagine that absolutely everything is possible in it.

Therefore, it is extremely important for people with intellect to realize that there is no limit to everything – the cosmos is limitless! Both in your endless space and in your endless refinement.

And even the most advanced microscopes do not scan everything that is inconceivably smaller than the invisible Higgs boson (“God particle”) calculated by Earth scientists.

Therefore, the Cosmos extends in all directions and dimensions beyond the control of the earthly mind.

And hell, which sinners and ignoramuses do not want to believe in, is also not a fiction, but the lowest and most terrible area of our Planet, where all criminals and violators of the Laws of Life are really transported.

If a resident of the Earth naively thinks that the world around him, all that he sees is the whole and even “inanimate” Cosmos, then he is VERY deeply mistaken.

Because the living, intelligent cosmos is also unlimited and human, intelligent life is not limited to only one earth – it is also boundless.

As well as an infinite number of planets inhabited by highly developed intelligent inhabitants and this cosmic infinity is not limited only to material worlds, such as our earth. All kinds of non–material, but intelligent worlds are also boundless.

And all of them in their development are much higher than our humanity.

And this means that the “aliens” have long established a connection with our Planet and the intelligent inhabitants of other Planets have been watching us for a long time.

And they not only observe, but also transmit to us all the knowledge necessary for development and survival, which now, more than ever, is vitally necessary for our humanity.

 If someone, in a philistine way, thinks that we can do without this Special Knowledge, then he is cruelly mistaken.

We and all our Earth will perish without this saving Knowledge from Above, without the Cosmic Teaching of Living Ethics, received from the highly developed Humanity of other Planets and transmitted to us with the help of the Roerichs family.

Especially now in a special and decisive Time, when it is already clear where and into what a terrible abyss our world is rapidly heading.

Therefore, the question: to accept or not to accept the saving Help from our Cosmic Elder Brothers is now a matter of life and death for our Planet and each of us.

The Bickford cord, a deadly war for the earth, has already been set on fire and at any moment our planet may explode, because it will not withstand what can really happen – a general nuclear war.

And if we now with all reasonable humanity do not stop this inhuman and super dangerous war for the world in Ukraine, then everything will happen.

All of us and our planet will be gone.

All reasonable humanity needs to realize that our world is in terrible and real danger of self-destruction!

And only Help from Above from our Older Brothers in Mind, Their saving Knowledge, can help us.

Provided that the one who is able to realize this Truth, what is offered to earthlings, will immediately accept this saving Knowledge. And having made them the basis for his life, he will pass them on to others who are able to understand their full importance.

If this Knowledge is not accepted again, the humanity of the Earth will again have to go through unimaginable horrors up to global, cosmic catastrophes!

And this is in the best case, and at worst, up to the self-destruction of all mankind and the destruction of the Earth.

Therefore, today the Intelligent Cosmos Appeals to all people with a final Warning!



All the inhabitants of the Earth from Above are given a LAST chance to save themselves for the Future.

In a special and decisive Hour, we call on all earthlings to immediately do everything to stop the distraught dark politicians and military men who started a dangerous war and carry out the Devil’s plan to destroy the Earth!

We demand from all those who want to live, to fulfill their highest human Duty – to stop the insane servants of the Enemy of Humanity by any means! There is nothing higher and more important for people than the universal Cause of Saving their Planet!

The future fate of mankind on Earth will depend on this.


And we call all living people, in Russia and the world, to the most decisive and fearless actions – in the name of the life of humanity and the salvation of the common cosmic home!


There has never been and will never be more important Time on Earth!

May all the LIVING rise up and protect Life from the DEAD!

May all the INHUMANS who are guilty of an inhuman, diabolical war and all those who support it perish!

May the Victory be for the Bright Forces of humanity – people with a Heart, Light and Reason!

May the Command from Above be fulfilled in the name of Life and the Great Future of people!

But woe to people who have lost their minds and are not aware of the reality of what is happening!

No one and nothing will save them from the terrible Fiery Wave that is rapidly coming to Earth!

Already at any hour, a Wave of Fire with terrifying force will fall on the Planet, demolishing billions of people and all their dark constructions.

None of those who have lost their human form will be saved.

A fiery, all-crushing Cosmic Tornado will pass through the whole Earth and radically change it.

Only a few of the people who live according to the Laws of the Creator will remain alive. All the rest will burn alive, unable to withstand the Fire of the NEW World, which has entered into its Legal Rights.

The blow of the Fiery Element will be so strong and terrible that very few will endure it, those who believed and managed to prepare themselves for the long-Predicted Deadline by the Hour of Judgment.

So soon it will be!

And whoever is not ready to realize this Reality will be dead.

All attempts of the dark ones to go against this Cosmic Truth are in vain, their days are numbered!

But all those who are able to realize this Message from Above should be in full spiritual readiness!


We are very sorry for some possible mistakes in the text! And we would appreciate you, if you could tell us about such mistakes.

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