The government and the “people” of the Russian Federation have gone mad…

No one, with rare exceptions, understands that the World, WE ALL, on the very edge of a nuclear war, which the distraught rulers of the Russian Federation ARE ALREADY READY to start, and in which there WILL BE NO winners, but there will be a complete destruction of the Earth and all mankind.

That is ALL OF US!

After all the use of tactical nuclear weapons in Ukraine, WHICH THE AUTHORITIES AND THE ARMED FORCES OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ARE ALREADY READY FOR, will be the beginning of a nuclear war and the destruction of our Planet TOGETHER WITH ALL OF US!

Do all these stupidly jubilant “people” understand this, waving fascist semi-svastikas and shouting slogans in support of the DIABOLIC war???

This crazy war in Ukraine is the beginning of the destruction of the human world according to the Devil’s plan(!), which was started by the half-witted and criminal authorities of the Russian Federation (and not Ukraine at all!), who turned Great Russia into a dirty, latrine and created a bandit system in the country according to diabolical concepts.

Therefore, today, more than ever, it is vital for all reasonable people to realize the terrible reality:

ACCORDING TO THE DIABOLIC PLAN OF DARKNESS the THUGGISH, ANTI-PEOPLE and ANTI-RUSSIAN authorities consciously and systematically destroyed all the Light, all true Culture, everything human that is still left in the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR.

All its TRUE, Light Power instead of giving the “people” all the dirt from all over the world and all the criminal shit that has always been only in the gangster environment! Now it has come into our life.

Maybe someone grunts that “everything is wrong”?! Maybe some sheep, who believes the rotten and deceitful RF-media, will object and write that the current “Russia” is the most “honest and legal state”(?!) and all Russians are “very good, smart and kind people”?..

Although, in fact, what kind of STUPID BRUTES and just TRAITORS should we be in order for all the “people” to first accept an ILLEGAL, ANTI-PEOPLE AND BANDIT coup in Moscow, and then – a BANDIT device in the “country” and life according to the concepts of the Devil!?

There is not ANYTHING human in us if we justify and support this DIABOLIC war in Ukraine!

Only the last scumbags, completely devoid of reason, heart and everything human, can not see WHAT is really happening in our BROTHERLY Ukraine!

How the bandit “Russian army” systematically and squarely destroys the very “Russian world” that it came to “save and protect”… How flourishing cities and towns disappear, women, old people, children die. How our nearest and dearest people die together with our relatives…

We can see how according to the devil’s plan(!) two Slavic peoples incited by criminal politicians against each other are destroying each other!

When under normal, non-bandit power in the Russian Federation, it was always possible to agree with each other on the joint Construction of FRATERNAL states.

But what(???) normal country will cooperate with the criminal Russian Federation, where everything is built only according to gangster concepts and no laws apply?!

And what kind of “army” can a real GANG have??? Only BANDIT one!

Therefore, the Russian Federation has started and is waging this GANG war according to the laws of the gang! Having previously turned 75% of Russians into Zombie fools for its support. After all, only the most inveterate fools, stuffed with shit and darkness, can believe the GANGSTER Russian media!

And now the leader of the Russian Federation, relying on this semi-criminal “people” – decomposed, stupid and fetid garbage, and blasphemously hiding behind the glorious pages of the history of Russia and the USSR is ready to destroy the whole Earth, ALL OF US.

Just to “win” and prove your inhuman “rightness”…

After all, Putin with his ignorance and because of his perverted conceit could not understand the most important Truth – that NO ONE IS STRONG AGAINST THE SPIRIT OF THE PEOPLE! Therefore, he was going to destroy Ukraine “victoriously” in ONE week!

Нe can see that he shamefully “fucked up”, DISGRACED and let the Russian Federation and ALL OF US(!) down, Putin in his dark madness is ready to destroy the whole world – TOGETHER WITH HIMSELF AND US!

PEOPLE, let’s think, about WHAT is happening!

Let’s think about OUR children – they all face a REAL terrible death in a nuclear fire!!!

Only think about it, about YOURSELF, if you are real PEOPLE – whoever you are!

If you want to live and have future, THINK ABOUT THE TERRIBLE REALITY OF OUR DAYS!

After all, at any moment, distraught by impunity and shameful failures, Putin can press the “red button” and that will mean THE END OF EVERYTHING.

After all, what he is doing with his gang is the real CLINICAL MADNESS!

And everyone who defends and justifies this inhuman, fascist war is clinically insane.

Therefore, do right now EVERYTHING to prevent this nuclear madness and universal destruction!


A bunch of rotten and crazed werewolves-politicians and stupid ghouls-military can’t decide for all of us IF WE (and our children!!!) SHOULD LIVE OR NOT!

And to be or not to be our common cosmic Home!

Who wants to die, he will die soon enough according to the Law of Life! Life and Karma will not forgive ANYONE who unleashed this deadly war and supports it.

But who wants to live and have a future, he must speak out against the ruling thug bandits who are maddened by impunity, and now from blood and military failures! They have no right to dictate their BANDIT conditions to us and push the World into the abyss of imminent self-destruction!

It is vitally important for all people with reason to realize that ALL the statements of the CRIMINAL authorities of the Russian Federation, as well as all the “information” in the Russian media, are one hundred percent GOEBBELSIAN lies and a diabolical distortion of reality!

And who believes them when EVERYTHING is already visible – he is either a complete FOOL, or the BANDIT himself and the same inhuman EVIL SPIRITS!

Therefore, this Appeal is only to PEOPLE: do not sleep, do not be indifferent when the Fate of Russia and the World itself is being decided (and your own personal fate!!!), but do EVERYTHING to stop THE INHUMANS!

LET’S UNDERSTAND THE TRUTH: PUTIN JUST SPAT ON ALL OF US, ON THE WHOLE PEOPLE, ON THE WHOLE COUNTRY(!), because he doesn’t think we’re HUMAN, he thinks such PEOPLE with reason, strength and will don’t exist anymore.

According to his diabolic plan to destroy Russia, Putin long ago turned Russians into stupid, soulless, garbage suckers, without Culture and everything human. And he is sure that NO ONE will oppose him and his gangster-fascist government.

Therefore, this Appeal (fateful for the Earth and every person!) only to REAL PEOPLE! If there are any left in Russia.

We have nothing to lose and our goal is sacred: to save the Earth, children and humanity for the Future unlike the fascist scumbags, who are followed by the Devil, universal Death and the destruction of the Planet, which naturally awaits the most terrible Hell!

And now let every person will do it consciously with his heart, thoughts and corresponding action, your last and decisive Choice:



Everyone who has a human Mind, who has not rotted (like everyone else) and wants to live, we invite you to absolutely SPECIAL sites: and


We are very sorry for some possible mistakes in the text! And we would appreciate you, if you could tell us about such mistakes.

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